Municipality of the County of Inverness

Inverness County Active Transportation Plan

What is Active Transportation?

Active Transportation is the use of non-motorized modes of travel between destinations for a wide range of purposes. It usually emphasizes walking or cycling but can also be paddling, snowshoeing, skateboarding or any other active way of getting around.

Why Create a Plan for Active Transportation?

Many residents throughout Inverness County spend time on the trails for recreation, and now the Municipality is looking for ways to make it easier for people to walk and cycle as part of their daily routines. The Plan will provide residents and visitors with improved options for safe and enjoyable non-motorized transportation and create new physical connections within each community centre in the County. It will also seek to raise awareness and provide information that will be helpful to anyone looking to switch away from the vehicle for some of their destination oriented trips.

How is the Plan Being Created?

The Municipality and partners are taking a localized approach to designing active transportation friendly places by focusing on community hubs throughout the region. Strategies and action items will be developed in consultation with stakeholders and the community. The Municipality, led by a project steering committee, has engaged UPLAND Planning & Design to prepare the plan.

To learn more, contact:

Charlotte MacDonald
Recreation Manager
Municipality of the County of Inverness