Municipality of the County of Inverness

Inverness County Remembers Dr. Jim St. Clair

INVERNESS COUNTY, N.S. – Municipality of the County of Inverness staff and Council were deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Dr. Jim St. Clair of Mull River on May 11, 2021.

Author, teacher and historian, Jim had a life-long enthusiasm for genealogy and family history. Among countless other accomplishments, Jim was the long-time genealogy editor of the Inverness County Participaper, a culture and heritage periodical published by the Municipality. He was also a founding member of the Inverness County Council of the Arts and worked tirelessly to establish culture centres like the Inverness County Centre for the Arts and the Strathspey Performing Arts Centre.

The folks in his part of Cape Breton knew Jim as a dedicated friend, teacher, mentor, and storyteller. Researchers often came to his door looking for information on their ancestors, and found not only the facts, but the story behind the facts. These stories, told in a deep and warm voice, wove together local anecdotes and oral narratives with historical details of time and place, bringing the past alive for all who listened.

Jim’s death is a great loss to all who knew him and to the Municipality as a whole, and he leaves behind him a more knowledgeable and connected Inverness County due to his work. Municipal Council and staff would like to extend sincere sympathies to Dr. Jim’s family and friends.



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