Municipality of the County of Inverness

Tax Sale Results

Tax sale process by public auction

The municipality aims to hold at least 2 tax sales each year. Once a date has been established for the next tax sale, a listing of properties up for tax sale is published. Tax accounts that are 2 years in arrears are subject to tax sale proceedings and may be sold at public auction.

If the taxes remain unpaid, the property is advertised in local newspapers prior to the tax sale. Tax sale notices are mailed by ordinary mail to the last known address of the account holder. If no address is known, the notice may be posted on the premises.

The tax sale is a public auction with the successful bid being the highest bid at or above the total of all outstanding taxes, interest and expenses (tax sale costs). Only at the end of the redemption period, if the property has not been redeemed, will the title pass to the successful bidder.

The municipality has the power to conduct tax sales through the Municipal Government Act.

Find out more about how tax sales work