Municipality of the County of Inverness


Canadian Tire Funding Program

Inverness County Recreation is proud to administer the Canadian Tire Jumpstart program in the Municipality of the County of Inverness.

Canadian Tire Jumpstart helps financially disadvantaged kids get involved in organized sport and recreation by covering the costs of registration, equipment, and/or transportation. Recreation is proud to administer the Canadian Tire Jumpstart program in the Municipality of the County of Inverness.

Offering Jumpstart is part of Inverness County’s mission to help children get physically active, build social skills, boost self-esteem and confidence, all toward our mission of creating a better quality of life.

Application Deadlines: May 21, October 21

Canadian Tire Jumpstart Application

Apply Online

For assistance or more information, contact:

Krista MacInnis – Recreation Coordinator
902-258-5930 |