Municipality of the County of Inverness

Are you hosting a community clean-up event?

The Municipality of the County of Inverness can assist by providing garbage bags and gloves. We may also be able to assist with hauling, depending on the location and the availability of equipment, and waiving of Kenloch Waste Facility tipping fees. Please fill out this form and send it to

The Great Nova Scotia Pick-Me-Up is Nova Scotia’s largest volunteer-driven community clean-up program, promoting litter clean-ups across the province. Since the program started in 1992, the Clean Foundation has provided supplies and support to participants who wish to carry out community-based clean-ups.

In 2019, the Nova Scotia Adopt-A-Highway took over the delivery of the Great Nova Scotia Pick-Me-Up Program. Now the Adopt-A-Highway will be able to broaden their reach and remove even more litter from Nova Scotia than ever before. The Adopt-A-Highway is excited for the future with this new endeavor and are eager to support community-based clean-ups in addition to their roadside litter clean-ups.

Litter is an eyesore, poses health risks, affects water quality, and is often mistaken as food by wildlife. As well,  studies show that litter begets litter, meaning people tend to litter in areas where there is already garbage on the ground.

Join thousands of other Nova Scotians in making our province beautiful and healthy.

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