Municipality of the County of Inverness

By-Law 13 Update

By-Law 13 has not been revised since August 7th, 2001. Inverness County Council is in the process of reviewing and updating By-Law 13 among others.

Reminder to All Residents


BE IT RESOLVED by the Municipal Council of the Municipality of the County of
Inverness that By-Law 13, Dogs, be repealed and re-enacted as follows:

(1) On or before the 20th day of January in each year, the owner of any dog shall register such dog with the Clerk, shall pay the tax provided therefore by this By-Law and shall obtain from the Clerk a tag for such dog For each neutered male or spayed female dog, the annual tax shall be $10.00. Proof of a neutered male or spayed female shall be provided prior to paying the tax for such a dog.

b) For each dog not neutered or spayed, the annual tax shall be $25.00.
No owner of a dog shall permit the dog to leave the premises of its owner or be at large within the Municipality unless the said dog is on a leash and under the control of someone in charge thereof, and the fact that any dog is permitted to run at large shall constitute an offence against this By-Law.

1. The owner of a dog:
a) Which runs at large contrary to this By-Law:
b) In respect of which the tax imposed by this By-Law is not paid:
c) Persistently disturbs the quiet of the neighborhood by howling, barking or in any other manner; is guilty of an offence against this By-Law whether or not such dog is chained, muzzled or otherwise restrained, and is subject on conviction to the penalty described in Section 27. In a prosecution pursuant to this section, evidence that one person was disturbed is prima facie proof that the quiet of the neighborhood was disturbed.
After one warning has been given to the owner of a dog found running at large contrary to this By-Law, the dog control officer may impound and kill or may kill the dog
on sight.

(3) It shall be the duty of the dog control officer to take and impound any dog found to be at large within the Municipality.

Except as otherwise provided in this By-Law, any person who violates a provision of this By-Law, shall be liable on conviction to a penalty not less than $300.00 and not exceeding $10000.00 dollars and in default of payment, to imprisonment for a period not exceeding 60 days.

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