Municipality of the County of Inverness

Conservation Notice for Users of the Inverness County Water Utility

The Municipality of the County of Inverness is requesting that all users of the Municipal water systems work together to conserve water. June has been a mostly hot, dry month and we are now just entering the peak of hot and dry conditions. The Municipality is also expecting a rise in tourism within the area this summer.
To conserve water, please follow these tips diligently:

• Watering your lawns and washing your vehicles are luxuries and should be avoided during peak dry season.
• Water plants and flowers in the early morning to avoid evaporation.
• Use a rain barrel to collect any rain and use this to water the garden.
• Turn off the faucet while washing your hands or brushing your teeth.
• Take short showers instead of baths.
• Do laundry and run the dishwasher only when you have a full load.
• When washing dishes in the sink, have a basin of water to rinse the dishes rather than run the faucet for every dish.
• Keep a bottle of water in the fridge rather than let the faucet run to get cold water.
• Only flush the toilet when needed (if it’s yellow let it mellow, if it’s brown flush it down).

If you notice any wet spots on your lawn or roadway, or water in streets or ditches where there is usually no water, please contact the Municipality immediately. This could indicate a leak. Call 902-258-5048 or 902-258-5999.

The Municipality urges all residents to contact Summerhill at 1-833-621-0776 and set up a free home energy efficient visit. They can provide low flow showerheads, low flow aerators and a wrap for hot water piping as well as other heating and power efficient products at no cost.

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