Municipality of the County of Inverness

For Immediate Release: Update on Strait Area Transit

July 24th, 2020

For immediate release:

Strait Area Transit is gearing up to resume service in a limited capacity, tentatively starting August 4th, 2020.

Initially our service will be limited to (but not exclusively) medical runs and smaller charters as per the guidelines from the Province’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Robert Strang.

COVID-19 has brought many challenges and changes to public transit that have impacted our day to day operations. Strait Area Transit will be following guidelines that limit the number of passengers per vehicle and all passengers will be required to wear masks while riding in all vehicles.

Our policies will require all drivers and passengers to follow Provincial guidelines which will include wearing masks and frequent sanitizing of the vehicles.

A full description of our COVID-19 policies can be found on our Facebook page and Website.

The board of Directors and Strait Area Transit staff have been working towards reopening over the last few months and our concern for the safety of our staff and riders is paramount. We continue to work towards making our vehicles secure from possible reoccurrences of COVID-19 and we will adjust our policies as conditions evolve.

As Chair of Strait Area Transit, I would like to thank our loyal riders for their patience during our service suspension and I look forward to seeing full service being restored in the future.

On behalf of the board of directors, I would like to welcome our new Executive Director, Amber Carrigan, to the Strait Area Transit team. Amber brings a positive new energy to our organization, and we are excited to see where she takes us. She has tackled this challenge of restructuring our service model to follow the Provincial guidelines and is dedicated to the success of rural transit in the Strait Area as well as Victoria County.

Amber and the staff look forward to connecting all our previous and new clients as we get ready to roll.

For more information please see our website at and our Facebook page.

Thank you

Chair Strait Area Transit

Councillor John Dowling


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