Municipality of the County of Inverness

Message from Municipal Council

To all residents of the Municipality of the County of Inverness,
We wanted to take a moment to say thank you and provide you with an update. These are trying times, and there will be difficult choices to make over the coming weeks and months. But with your support and cooperation, we will get through this. As your warden and council, we’re doing everything we can to make sure you stay healthy, safe and informed. We know you will have questions and we’re doing everything we can to provide you with answers.
Currently, municipal staff members are monitoring the actions and advice of government and health leaders. As you may already know, on Sunday, Premier Stephen McNeil evoked a provincewide State of Emergency. The State of Emergency was called because of reports that many Nova Scotians were ignoring the call for physical distancing.
State of Emergency measures now in place include:
• Provincial parks, beaches and tourist attractions are closed. Provincial trails will remain open for exercise. Gathering limits and social distancing guidelines must be followed.
• Police will be authorized to enforce orders under the Health Protection Act. If Nova Scotians and businesses do not practice social distancing and self-isolation, they will face fines of $1,000 for individuals and $7,500 for businesses.
• There are several groups who are essential and exempt from gathering limits. They include but are not limited to grocery stores, gas stations and pharmacies.
In addition, the municipality has enacted its Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic Plan. The plan will guide Council and staff in the continued safe operation of local municipal government services and the ongoing health and safety of staff, local business, community organizations and residents.
Key elements of the plan include but aren’t limited to:
• The Municipal Office and the Infrastructure & Emergency Services Facility are now closed to the public.
• The Kenloch Transfer Station will also close as Wednesday morning, March 25th.
• All Recreation and Cultural Programs offered through the Municipality will be cancelled and rescheduled, if possible, at a later date.
• Foyer Pere Fiset, Inverary Manor, Port Hood Small Options and Koster Huis are closed to visitors.
Finally, thanks to everyone who is working in an essential service. Through your efforts, we will get through this together.
Thank you, wash your hands, stay home as much as you can and be safe.
Betty Ann MacQuarrie, Warden & Councillor, District 5
Alfred Poirier, Deputy Warden & Councillor, District 1
Laurie Cranton, Councillor, District 2
Jim Mustard, Councillor, District 3
John MacLennan, Councillor, District 4
John Dowling, Councillor, District 6

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