Municipality of the County of Inverness

Pre-Budget Consultations 2019-20

When: Tuesday, March 5th and Tuesday, March 12th, 2019
Time: *To be determined upon required pre-registration, spaces are limited
Where: Council Chambers, Municipal Building, 375 Main Street, Port Hood N.S.

Opportunities are being provided by Council and staff of the Municipality of the County of Inverness for community groups and stakeholders to present briefly on upcoming or accomplished projects, initiatives and ideas during the upcoming 2019-2020 Capital and Operating Budget deliberations. Deadline for registration is Friday, March 1st at 4:00pm, space is limited, and pre-registration is first-come, first-served. Presenters are required to submit a PowerPoint or an outline of their respective presentations at time of registration. Organizations and community groups must pre-register by contacting Ellen Murphy, Administrative Assistant to CAO and Council, at or 902-787-3501. Presentations are limited to 15 minutes and will be moderated by Municipal CAO, Keith MacDonald.

These consultations will provide an opportunity for participants to identify their priorities and provide views on how to achieve them. The presentations provide the opportunity to build a shared understanding of what issues matter to community groups and stakeholders. Municipal Council and staff look forward to hearing about the fiscal and policy priorities of County community groups and stakeholders and their ideas for how to both achieve and sustain them.

Brief presentations or outlines should include the following information:

• Official organization name, date of establishment and RJS and/or charitable status.
• Organizational geographic coverage area.
• Organizational mandate.
• Demonstrated organizational capacity, list recent projects/efforts and partnerships.
• Level of community engagement/community feedback & representation.
• Title of project, initiative or idea.
• Specify if the presentation is for reporting purposes or for fiscal/policy consideration.

• What upcoming or accomplished projects, initiatives and ideas do you have for either reporting purposes and/or fiscal and policy considerations during the upcoming 2019-2020 Capital and Operating Budget deliberations?

• Highlight the need, who is/was affected (data) and what is/was the proposed impact how is it measured?

• What is/was the proposed budget and timeline?

• Who are/were your partners, and highlight confirmed partners? How do you propose the Municipality partners with your organization to support accomplishment?

• How is this maintained/sustained?

Presentations are limited to fifteen (15) minutes, and will be moderated by Municipal CAO, Keith MacDonald. If desired participants can shorten the presentation to enable a brief Q&A period with Council and staff. If your community group requires assistance preparing the presentation contact Municipal Special Projects Facilitator, Melanie Beaton at 902-787-3504 or via email at:


Printable PDF: Budget Consultation Information


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