Municipality of the County of Inverness

Message from Municipal Council: April 1 2020

Dear residents of the Municipality of the County of Inverness,

To one degree or another, we’ve all had to adjust our lives because of the COVID-19 pandemic. For some of us, it might just be small things so far – extra precautions around handwashing, staying at home and cancelling gatherings. For others, the coronavirus pandemic has meant major upheaval and stress. Job loss, underlying health conditions and family concerns are making day to day living much harder than it already was.

That’s why, as a community, we should all be thinking about how we can positively impact the lives of our family, friends and neighbours, even if we may not be able to come into personal contact with them. With that in mind, here are some ideas to keep in mind for how to be helpful in this troubling time:

  • Go easy on other people. Everybody reacts differently during times of uncertainty. Stress can make people say and do things they normally wouldn’t. If someone comes off as rude in a conversation, remember they may be dealing with a lot that you don’t know about.
  • Stay connected. Cabin fever can set in pretty quickly if you let it. If you know someone who doesn’t get a lot of visitors under normal circumstances, chances are they may even be more isolated right now. Give them a call or send a text. You might brighten their day a little bit.
  • Volunteer or donate if you can. Even though we’re all practicing social distancing at this point, there are still ways you can safely get out in your community to help others. Try contacting a local service group to see if they could use your support and assistance.

The fact is we’re going to be living with COVID-19 restrictions for the foreseeable future. It may be that the best resource we have to get through these challenges is each other. Our communities are not large, and they are spread out, so please remember to do the best you can to stay in contact with your friends and neighbours. There will never be restrictions on kindness.

Thank you, wash your hands, stay home as much as you can and be safe.

Betty Ann MacQuarrie, Warden & Councillor, District 5

Alfred Poirier, Deputy Warden & Councillor, District 1

Laurie Cranton, Councillor, District 2

Jim Mustard, Councillor, District 3

John MacLennan, Councillor, District 4

John Dowling, Councillor, District 6


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